✅ Your skills partner
Get your tech job by learning from the top 1%
Learn industry-relevant skills directly from India’s best experts.
Job placement
30 Lac
Packages upto
These companies are waiting for you! (300+ Companies)
From knowledge to career success
Join our courses and get the skills that top companies need!
Learn from Experts
Learn skills you missed out on in colleges
Live DoubtClearing classes
clear your doubts with our experts in live sessions!
Boost Your Resume
Beat the competition with real-time projects. Nail your interview!
Get your dream job
We’ll help you shine and be noticed by top recruiters
Level up your skills, learn from the best
Experience the masterclass
Learn with the best
Learn core concepts from experts in masterclass
Get a headstart and kickoff your career
Solve a real-life case study, live with the experts
Interact with mentors, ask your doubts away
Job Focus Courses
Build your career
5k+ enrollments
Limited Seats
20% Off
Designed by experts from
Data Analytics
Understand the root cause of business problems by breaking down the details structurally before presenting solutions. Build and strengthen analytical and problem-solving skills to solve business problems effortlessly.
18 Live Classes
7 Projects
14 hr/week
3k+ enrollments
Limited Seats
20% Off
Designed by experts from
Data Science & Machine Learning
Grasp the math behind data science and learn advanced algorithms for Machine Learning.
20 Live Classes
7 Projects
21 hr/week
5k+ enrollments
Limited Seats
20% Off
Designed by experts from
Data Analytics
Understand the root cause of business problems by breaking down the details structurally before presenting solutions. Build and strengthen analytical and problem-solving skills to solve business problems effortlessly.
18 Live Classes
7 Projects
14 hr/week
3k+ enrollments
Limited Seats
20% Off
Designed by experts from
Data Science & Machine Learning
Grasp the math behind data science and learn advanced algorithms for Machine Learning.
20 Live Classes
7 Projects
21 hr/week
How our program works
Learn skills that matter
Specifically designed curriculum by industry experts
Structured courses to help you master skills from the basics
Hands-on industry projects under guidance of experts
Apply what you learn in real-life case studies
Learn from the experts in live classes
Get coached by the industry’s top 1% talent
Deep dive into real-life case studies with the best
Ask your questions directly to the experts
Build your professional network, stand out from the crowd
Have a structured career plan
Make a job winning resume, showcase the best of you
Ace interviews with ease, practice with experts in mock interviews
Get personalised feedback and tips on your interviews
Make an amazing first impression with a curated LinkedIn profile
Secure a job in your dream company
Connect with over 300+ partner companies
Get noticed by top companies with ease in digital job fairs
Get a personalised job feed with our job board
Set up yourself for a career with high growth and increments
Connecting you to the top 1% experts
Learn only from the best with SkilloVilla
Alumni Support
Long Lasting Alumni Connect
Long lasting engagement of SkilloVilla with the student
Premium SkilloVilla Alumni membership worth 15K for Free
More than 6000 SkilloVilla Alumni network
Discover opportunities to stay in touch with your alumni family
Read what our alumni are saying
Interested in our program? Check out the masterclass!
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